
Showing posts from 2017
10 Best Electric Guitars Under $500 in 2016 Updated on May 11, 2016 The Epiphone Les Paul Standard is one of the best electric guitars under $500 in 2016. Top Guitars for 500 Dollars If you only have $500 to spend on an electric guitar you might think the best instruments are out of your reach. Reading the popular guitar magazines can be a little depressing. Those famous guys in the bands you love, it seems like every one of them plays an instrument costing thousands of dollars. How are you supposed to compete with that if you’re a student or an average working Joe or Jane? And who has a spare $3,000 sitting around to plunk down on a new Gibson? Not me, and I’m guessing not you. I’ve played guitar for 30 years. It took me a long time to realize that the price tag on the guitar doesn’t always mean it will sound better, and it definitely doesn’t make you play better. Don't let gear snobs convince you otherwise: The sound is all about  you ,
⇒The Top 10 Affordable Electric Guitars For Under $200 – Reviews and Recommendations Updated Nov-14-2016 . Looking for a back-up axe on a budget? Just starting out? This is the page for you! We’ve tried and tested some of the most affordable guitars around, and have compiled a list of those that impressed us the most Table Of Contents  [ show ] Notice how we’ve said ‘affordable’ instead of ‘cheap’? That’s because cheap guitars have connotations of being… well, pieces of junk. Cheap can mean ‘barely capable of producing a sound’, ‘plasticky components’ and ‘hardware that threatens to break at any given moment’. Not what anyone needs. So we went for affordable, which still means budget-friendly, but with a bit more emphasis on quality. There’s no need to splash out  $1000 dollars on a guitar  – everything on this page is within the $200 price range, and are all excellent solutions for both beginners and experienced players alike. The Top 10 Cheap Electric Guitars That C